This knowledge is fundamental for generating new hypotheses on the causes of memory impairments in a variety of diseases.
The process of long-term memory formation requires time and the cooperation of multiple cell types in the brain regions of the relevant memory systems. We study the hippocampus-dependent memory system, which processes information of episodic, spatial, contextual, and social memories. A new episodic representation is initially labile and needs to undergo a series of biological processes in the hippocampus-dependent memory system in order to be stably stored. These biological processes include molecular and cellular changes at posttranslational, translational, and transcriptional levels, in a number of cell types, and in different brain regions, and are necessary for stabilizing the initially fragile memory. The process of stabilization of the initially fragile memory is known as memory consolidation. Once consolidated the memory is stable; however, it can become temporarily fragile again if it is recalled. In fact, in some cases, though not always, memory recall temporarily returns the memory to a labile state, and, during this temporal window, the memory re-stabilizes, a process known as reconsolidation. Molecular and cellular mechanisms at the posttranslational, translational, and transcriptional levels are also necessary for the re-stabilization process after recall.
Why is it important that we understand the biology underlying memory consolidation and reconsolidation? These windows of memory fragility offer opportunities for changing memory strength. Identifying molecules and pathways of consolidation and reconsolidation provides critical novel information for developing tools and strategies to strengthen or weaken memories. These approaches could be used in therapies that aim to reverse memory loss such as those associated with cognitive impairments including age-related memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, and other forms of dementia. They can also be used to develop methods to weaken memories that are overly strong, such as those associated with traumas (post-traumatic stress disorder) or the effects of substance abuse.
We are currently focusing on three major goals:
1. Our studies have shown that some identified gene expression cascades are universal features of long-term memory and are evolutionarily conserved. Among the identified pathways, one became a strong focus of our current studies. We discovered that insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2 or IGF-II) is required for memory consolidation. Moreover, if IGF-2 is administered with learning or memory retrieval, it significantly enhances memory strength and persistence. IGF-2 also reverses age-related memory loss and most core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder and neurodevelopmental disabilities in lab models, suggesting that IGF-2 and its receptor IGF-2R could represent novel targets for developing effective treatments for several psychopathologies. Our current goal is to understand the mechanisms by which IGF-2 and IGF-2R enhance memories and reverse many symptoms in neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.
Taken from Alberini and Chen (2012). Memory enhancement: consolidation, reconsolidation and insulin-like growth factor 2. Trends in neurosciences, 35(5), 274–283. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22341662/ (Figure 1)
2. A comprehensive knowledge of the biology of memory is still lacking. One of our goals is to carry out unbiased omics analyses to gain a broad understanding of pathways involved in different brain regions and cell types.
Taken from Katzman et al (2021). Distinct transcriptomic profiles in the dorsal hippocampus and prelimbic cortex are transiently regulated following episodic learning. Journal of neuroscience, 41(12), 2601–2614. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33536202/ (Figure 6)
3. We aim to unravel the biology of memory at early developmental ages. The infant brain is not a “small” version of the adult brain, but a different brain entirely. Our studies have shown that memories formed in infancy, despite being apparently forgotten, influence behaviors in adulthood. We also found that the hippocampus-dependent memory system, which processes explicit types of memories, does not mature because of preprogrammed developmental processes but rather shapes and matures its functions through learned experiences. This maturation occurs within specific age windows and recruits mechanisms of critical periods. We proposed that the hippocampus-dependent memory system undergoes a critical period. The biology of critical periods in learning and memory is one of our major research interests. Identifying and understanding this biology will provide key information for understanding individuality and for interventions that can change behavioral abilities to make individuals more adapted to the living environment. The results of these studies could be important for preventing neuropsychiatric disorders. These studies should also enlighten the discovery of etiological mechanisms of neurodevelopmental disorders and provide new hypotheses for the identification of novel therapeutic treatments.
Taken from Alberini & Travaglia (2017). Infantile amnesia: a critical period of learning to learn and remember. Journal of neuroscience, 37(24), 5783–5795. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28615475/ (Figure 3)